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Liturgy of Holy Week
from Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday
direction: Xavier Chancerelle / ERATO 70 630 17961-22
From Palm Sunday Mass, through the texts sung in the first days of the Week, to the liturgy of Maundy Thursday. Recorded atValloires Abbey.
Lux illuxit laetabunda Noël
Paris Gregorian Choir & Henning Sommero
direction: Xavier Chancerelle / JADE CD 74 321 30293-2
The chants echo from the vaults of Trondheim Cathedral; the Norwegian organist improvises on the organ at Saint-Germain des Près, Paris. To evoke the millennia-old ties between the two countries and King Olav, patron saint of Norway, a splendid sequence from the day's mass opens this recording.
Office des Morts
All Saints' mass
conducted by Xavier Chancerelle / JADE CD 302942
With "Schola Gregoriana Pragensis"
conducted by David Eben
Cistercian Compline at Fontfroide Abbey
direction: Jaan-Eik Tulve / JADE CD 29060-2
The biblical story of Job, anchored in song. The central piece, the offertory "Vir erat", recorded with its four verses by the soloist, becomes a veritable musical drama, astonishing in its richness of expression.
J-F Dandrieu
Christmas Day Mass and Vespers
Organ: J-P Brosse
direction plain chant: Jaan-Eik Tulve / P. Verany PV 794034
Splendor of little-known French Baroque for organ with plain chant. Recorded at St. Bertrand-de-Comminges.
Ludovicus Rex
Extracts from the Offices of the Adoration of Saint Louis
conducted by Joël Norman-Haddad / published by ARION, collection P. Verany PV 797082
5 tuning forks
The feast of St. Louis celebrated over the centuries: from medieval plainchant to late faux-bourdons. Unpublished songs transcribed from ancient manuscripts and books. Recorded at the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.
You can listen to "Ludovicus decus regnantium" (3rd track) in MP3 format (2.6 MB) below.
MXCVIII-Civitas Dei
The Cistercian Office of Dedication
conducted by Jaan-Eik Tulve / published by ARION, collection P. Verany PV 798031 / Diapason d'or.
On the occasion of the nine-hundredth anniversary of the founding of Cîteaux. The purity and austerity of Cistercian chant, framed by sumptuous polyphonic pieces by Dufay. Recorded at the Cistercian abbey of Fontfroide.
Marie du Chœur grégorien de Paris - Voix de Femmes
direction: Olga Roudakova / edition NAÏVE V 4868 / 5 Diapasons
Through Gregorian and Cistercian chants, as well as medieval polyphonies, the choir and its soloists recount the life of Mary. Recorded at Fontfroide Abbey.
You can listen to the offertory "Recordare" in MP3 format (1.4 MB) below.
Cistercian chant
Lauds, Mass, Vespers and Compline for the First Sunday in Lent
conducted by: Jaan-Eik Tulve / ARION edition, P. Verany collection PV 700027 / 5 Diapasons
Amor et Caritas
direction: Jaan-Eik Tulve / ARION edition, P. Verany collection / PV 700 032
Louis Vierne
Messe Solennelle, Opus 16
Daniel Roth & Eric Lebrun, organists
Choeur d'Oratorio de Paris, Conductor: Jean Sourisse,
Choeur Gregorien de Paris, Conductor: Thibaut Marlin,
Soloists: Edward Schaefer, Herve Lamy, Charles Barbier
JAV Recordings, Inc JAV 179 (published 2009)
http://www.pipeorgancds.com/viernemass.html $79 approx. €55
2-CD box set and booklet available from the Choir at a special price.
Prayer for times of distress
Choeur Gregorien de Paris, Conductor: Louis-Marie Vigne
Moniales de l'abbaye de Rosans, Conductor: Tobbias Dreher
self-published edition (published in 2019)
15 € available from Choeur contact@choeurgregoriendeparis.fr
Solo discs by Hervé Lamy:
choir soloist, with the participation of members of the Chœur Grégorien de Paris.
These discs form a trilogy, dedicated to the theme of the Holy Trinity.
Christus Rex
JADE 74321 39649-2 / Golden tuning fork.
Spiritus Domini
JADE 74321 60642-2
You can listen to "Credo IV" (1st track) in MP3 format (3 MB) below.
JADE 74321 80852-2
Songs by soloist Hervé Lamy with the participation of members of the Chœur Grégorien de Paris and members of the Petits Chanteurs de Sainte-Croix de Neuilly.
Hervé Lamy, soloist with the Chœur, dedicates these newly-recorded songs to the memory of Emperor Charlemagne for the twelfth centenary of his coronation.