
Work to know, know to love and love to pass on - this is our course and our motto that illustrate the contribution that the School wishes to make, in our modest way, to the tradition of Gregorian chant, one of the oldest and most venerable traditions of sacred music in Western Latin. Being part of a living tradition and in turn, bringing it to life through practice and study – that is what we do every day. This legacy left to us by Louis-Marie Vigne (1953-2022), founder of the school in 2006 and its first director.   

The École du Chœur grégorien de Paris is open to all: music students or young musicians on their the way to becoming professionals, and also to amateurs who wish to discover Gregorian chant or who are seeking to deepen their knowledge and practice of this chant, particularly in its original liturgical context; to those who come to us from far and near; and to those who do not hesitate to study at any age, both lay and religious. Thus, the courses mix different nationalities and ages. Indeed, the School seeks to live an international dimension, suitable to the universality of this song.    

Our objectives include:

- Democratize Gregorian chant and give everyone access to its richness;
- To train instructors able to spread the Gregorian repertoire in a living way.
- To have Gregorian Chant sung in choirs and parishes, schools, and monasteries, as
well as in vocal ensembles and concerts. 

The students of the School are invited to join the Gregorian Choir of Paris (male and female voices) to practice Gregorian in its liturgical context: the Sunday Mass and Divine Offices. The direction of this Choir is usually entrusted to former graduates of the School.  

The School is subsidized by the Association " Les Amis du chœur Grégorien de Paris "; it was supported by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation. The students at the School contribute tuition fees. The Association helps some students, especially foreign students, through scholarships.