50 years of the Choir
30 years of Voix de femmes

As Olivier Messiaen said in 1987: "Gregorian chant is the most beautiful treasure we have in the West".
Young musicians, eager to discover this treasure, formed an association. Over the years, the Choir's activities have diversified, but the founding vision remains the same: to cultivate the universality of this sacred song, to seek out its permanent forms, and to safeguard this invisible heritage.
A primarily functional music, it helps to translate as well as to shape prayer. That's why the Choir lives it in its natural setting: the divine liturgy.
It also carries a spiritual and sacred message; the world needs a silence that resembles Gregorian chant.
Finally, the Choir is a school, a family of nations; while many of its members teach in France and abroad, some former members have gone back to their home countries to found Gregorian choirs or ensembles.
The Choir is made up of a men's and a women's choir.
The School of the Gregorian Choir of Paris (École du Chœur grégorien de Paris) was founded to enable as many people as possible to learn the traditions of Western sacred chant.
The association "Les amis du Chœur grégorien de Paris" (Friends of the Paris Gregorian Choir) helps the Choir fulfill its goals of dissemination and training.

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