Join the association 

Become a member and contribute to the living transmission of the age-old memory and universal heritage of Gregorian chant. Support the Chœur grégorien de Paris (Paris Gregorian Choir), which makes the most beautiful architecture and churches in France and beyond resound! Support the Paris Gregorian Choir School, whose vocation is to promote culture and education. This vocation is a source of interaction and generates a fulfilling social fabric for students.

The annual membership fee is:
Student member from €30
Adherent member or family from €50
Supporting member or family from €150
Supporting member or family from €250
Member or family Sponsor from €500

66% tax reduction Your donation to is eligible for a 66% tax reduction, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income. If you exceed this limit, you can carry the excess over to the next 5 years. For example, a donation of 100 euros will cost you 34 euros after tax deduction. For a company, the tax reduction is 60% of the amount of the donation, up to a limit of 0.5% of sales. The tax reduction on the amount exceeding this limit can be carried forward to the 5 years following the year of the donation. A tax receipt will be sent to you.  

If you would like to join the association, you can:
- online with Helloasso, you will automatically receive a receipt
- by cheque: Download the membership form HERE. Send your payment to : " Les Amis du Chœur grégorien de Paris" to 37 rue Blomet 75015 PARIS

We are currently investigating fiscal benefits in other countries.
In the USA :